Frantic Goose Applications

We are the original book author and mobile application developer for Lots To Do In Line Disneyland and Lots To Do In Line Walt Disney World. The books were published by the independent travel publisher Intrepid Traveler. The owners of the Intrepid Traveler have decided to retire and are no longer publishing. We have decided to forgo paper publishing and concentrate solely on our mobile offerings. We are working on updating the app and its content for iOS as of October 2017 and hope to have it available in 2018. The app is priced at $5.99 because it contains the full content of the copyrighted books of the same name. However as the content is currently partially out-of-date, all apps have been put on sale for $2.99 until the new versions are avaialable.

We have the Lots To Do In-Line app on iOS for both Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

Lots To Do in Line is also available on Android for Disneyland and for Walt Disney World

Meredtih Lynn-Debberthine Pierce

Ken Pierce
